Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Real Backpacker

Backpacker is a name that encompasses many long-term budget travelers. Anyone can stuff their belongings in a backpack, catch a flight, stay in a hostel, and then call themselves backpackers. So how can we define a real backpacker?

A real backpacker views the world differently then most people. They understand the true value of time and know not to waste it doing something they don’t love. They do not fear the consequences of chasing dreams because they know that the worst regret would be not to have chased them at all. A real backpacker prefers experiences, learning, friends, and dreams above money, things, acceptance and stability.        

A real backpacker packs light taking only things that are with great purpose. Naturally, they don’t require much stuff to be comfortable and happy. They can quickly make themselves at home in new environments creating new friends, family, and comforts with the sheer force of their positive energies.
A real backpacker travels long-term because they enjoy travel as a lifestyle.
They can’t imagine rushing through 5 countries in 1 month because they know there is much more to see that doesn’t arise at first glance.
A real backpacker doesn’t travel on a budget because they are cheap or poor, but rather because they understand the opportunity cost of the alternative. Cheaper accommodation means more money spent on activities outside the bedroom. It means an atmosphere with like-minded travelers. It means learning how to be comfortable with the bare essentials. A real backpacker knows how to bargain because they have patience and they are smart. They do not rush into decisions especially big decisions. Many times there are alternative options, sometimes cheaper and better just around the corner. They explore all options before choosing the best one.
A real backpacker knows how to travel cheap. In fact if a real backer wants to they can travel spending almost nothing. They know they can hitch hike to get almost anywhere for free, they can couch surf to find free accommodation, and they can work away for free housing and food. Real backpackers are smart and make conscious decisions about how they allocate their resources.
Real backpackers are observers: they watch the locals and the tourists. They learn from the culture and expertise of the locals. They learn from the mistakes of the tourists. Observing the locals reveals the best places and the correct prices.  
A real backpacker is an adventurer and usually a risk taker. When confronted with an adventure they will almost always say yes. They are spontaneous. They are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. In fact they get pleasure from stretching their comfort zone wide. They are not afraid to get dirty or have an awkward moment. They are not shy. They are outgoing.
A real backpacker is almost never lazy. They will choose to walk instead of take a taxi not just to save money, but also to learn their way around a new city.
They understand the value and utility of patience. They are resourceful and are always thinking outside the box. Things that annoy and aggravate most people become simple challenges for real backpackers.

A real backpacker lives in the moment appreciating life itself and all the minute details as well as the obvious gifts. Real backpackers are unique and humble. Even real backpackers have a lot to learn from each other and everyone else.

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